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Saturday, November 12, 2011


11/11/11 is Remembrance Day here in Australia. And whilst I stood for a minute's silence at 11am this morning in respect for our fallen soldiers who gave their lives to our freedom, I could not help but think of how today was to be a significant day in my life.
11/11/11was my original day for my DBS. Fortunately I was moved forward 3 months, and had it done on 5/8/11 instead.
Whilst I am happy that it is all behind me, my wig is no longer necessary as summer approaches, etc, my thoughts are with Leonie from my Y@P group who took my spot. Leonie, you are in good hands with the same team as I had. I wish you luck.
People Living with Parkinson's (PLWP) all know that no two people are the same; everyone has different symptoms, no 2 people I ever met took the same drugs.
I am writing this because I just read a comment from another Y@P member.
Ric wrote"This post has really made my day/week/year. I'm quite encouraged by the results you've seen, and I'm happy that you have found real healing - FINALLY. If my surgery goes as well as yours I'm going to run my wife Jennifer into the ground with outdoor activities. Here's to a new life and that it sticks around."
Ric, I really hope that your experience is as positive as mine. I am looking forward to hearing how both you and Leonie went when we meet next year at a Y@P meeting, and you are both 3 months plus down the road.
I am glad that you have enjoyed following this blog, and that you and others have gained something from my posts. I admire your optimism, but keep in mind that DBS is not a miracle cure. If it goes well, it can make a huge difference to a person's quality of life.
When I asked Professor Williams how good can I hope to be, he answered, "As good as you are when your meds are functioning at their best".
And that in itself varies from person to person.


  1. nice blog helps others who have pd and gives them hope sharing your experiences with still your first comentee

  2. well karyn i'm still in the honeymoon stage i know not to expect a cure for criminies sake but the net best thing better than apomorphine and`a helluva lot better than cabasar


  3. seven weeks since the surgery, there is still not a hint of dystonia or diskynesia, barely even any balance problems and back pain have returned but other than that I have never felt better on any combination or dosage of drugs...for me this has been pretty close to a miracle cure, but that's all relative I guess...I was barely able to stand up straight at my worst and dystonia was making my life a living hell... so not having dystonia suddenly makes me think of this as a "cure" of sorts, but that's just my experience...since i was feeling like SH*T!

